Seller Insight


This project was started with the primary purpose of determining products' offering price. Or if any seller sells the product for less than Minimum Advertised price. This application collects information about products, their offerings, and sellers who are selling those products. We scrape these information from different marketplaces. It allows users to find the sellers selling their products and the price of the offerings. In addition, it provides reports based on historical data.


Web application uses Angular(8) for user interface(front end) and Ruby On Rails(6) to provide API’s. The web application is also hosted on  Amazon Web Services(AWS) using Elastic Beanstalk, S3, Postgres RDS, and Simple Email Service(SES). Service that scrapes product, seller and offerings information from different marketplaces is developed using Golang and deployed on AWS lambda functions. Scraping is scheduled from the ROR platform utilizing a scheduler. We have used Sidekiq to manage background jobs. It uses Stripe for payment services.

Tools Used

Ruby on Rails

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