Application Form

Be a Part of Bajra Family

Name *

Email *

Phone Number *

Resume *

Educational Level *

Project portfolio/GitHub profile links (If you don't have any, write "none" and proceed to the next question) *

If you're currently pursuing your Bachelor's degree, which semester are you in? *

If you're currently pursuing your Master's degree, which year are you in? *

Mention the name of the college you are currently attending or have graduated from. *

If you have been referred by someone from Bajra, please mention their full name. *

How did you hear about Bajra Traineeship? *

Have you applied to Bajra before? If yes, when? *

If selected, are you available to work in the office from 10 AM to 6 PM, Monday to Friday? *

If selected, will you have any events or exams from March to July that would require you to take leave? If yes, please specify below. *